The ancient cultures studied the mind as the source of happiness, suffering and all of our very personal interpretations of life.
“All tragedy, pain, negativity, and misery in your life is your creativity. It has nothing to do with any outside factor.”—Yogi Bhajan
It is said that happiness is a state of mind. It’s a decision one has to make and you are responsible for your own happiness. It is not something that happens at the end of the road, it can happen along the way, a moment by moment choice.
Soul is my employer. My self is the employee. My mind is the sorting office and organization.My faculties and my virtues are my basic assistants. My tattwas are my elements. My chakras are my resources and my faculty to project within the aspect of my own life (which is my destiny) that is my profit.
Happiness is the birth right of every human and happiness is ordained. It is not that we have to search for it…..