My spiritual teacher, Yogi Bhajan master well not only all the aspects of Yoga, and life, but all the aspects of relationships, male and feminine energies, basic needs, projections, etc.
Here are some notes I gather from his “many many teachings” that will allow you to understand yourself and your partner better.
On love
“Love is the highest fulfillment on every level…When you feel selflessness within yourself and you can vibrate for someone, then you are fulfill with love…Whenever you can’t betray you have to sacrifice, and to sacrifice is to suffer….love is hatred and hatred is love; there is no different. In one ego is satisfied, in the other one is not…love has no limit. When it has limit then it’s not love…”
On communication
“…if the couple can’t sit down and talk to each other honestly there is not counselor, priest, no psychiatrist can make them talk honestly….without honesty we don’t have any hope…all marriage people in the 3ho who have marriage problems are only those who do not talk because their mother didn’t talk, or their father didn’t talk.