- EXHALE. Lie on the back. Bend the knees and bring the heels close to the buttocks. Feet flat on the floor.
- INHALE. Place arms by the side and grab the ankles, as in A, if you can not reach the ankles place the arms by the side with the palms facing down. You can do this one time to warm up and them pass to a full bridge pose twice, as in B, or repeat A for the 3 repetitions. STAY HERE FOR 5 LONG DEEP BREATHS
- EXHALE. Lower the hips down. Breathe one full Long Deep Breathing.
- INHALE. Bring the hips up again. REPEAT 2 MORE TIMES
- EXHALE. Release the Asana.
- INHALE. Come into sitting position.
No Vinyasa here. Pass to the next Asana. Gaze at the nose. Bringing the knees slightly in will release pressure from the lower back. You can start the first one with a mild version, and follow up the next two times with a full back bending.