Según la tecnología del yoga el sexo es el acto sagrado de dos almas, uniéndose y fusionándose en una; una experiencia fuera de ordinario, donde el baile de polaridades y los cuerpos sutiles trascienden, y se une en uno, como en el Tantra.
Es una de las experiencias físicas más cercanas a la unión con el infinito.
La descripción del diccionario es «unión sexual que implica la penetración de la vagina por el pene». Aquí se describe el acto físico del sexo, sin mencionar ninguna de las observaciones anteriores.
En los sutras de Patanjali, uno de los pilares del yoga, el tercer Yama es Brahmachaya. Este Yama siempre ha sido controversial, ya que significa contingencia.
Si el sexo es divertido, es agradable, es creativo, entonces por qué alguien elegiría practicar la contingencia?
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The word Tantra is usually linked to sex. That’s why it is one of the most misunderstood types of Yoga.
There are three different types of Tantric Yoga:
- WHITE TANTRIC is the practice for spiritual purposes to purify and uplift the being.
- BLACK TANTRIC is the practice to obtain mental control of other people.
- RED TANTRIC is the practice to experience the senses and the sexual energy.
“There is a difference between day and night between the three types of tantric. They are totally different in quality, quantity, direction, practices, methods, facets, and use.” –Yogi Bhajan
White Tantric Yoga is one of the most powerful methods for breaking the subconscious blocks. In the technology of Yoga, it is said that we have more than 1,000 thoughts per wink of the eye. Some thoughts get lost in the subconscious mind. Other thoughts get stuck in the subconscious mind and affect the conscious mind, causing some people to act impulsively, making the wrong decisions, creating self-imposed stress.
My spiritual teacher, Yogi Bhajan, not only masters all aspects of Yoga and life, but also all aspects of relationships, male and feminine energies, basic needs, projections, and so on.
The following are some notes that I gathered from his “many many teachings” that will allow you to better understand yourself and your partner:
On love
“Love is the highest fulfillment on every level…When you feel selflessness within yourself and you can vibrate for someone, then you are fulfill with love…Whenever you can’t betray you have to sacrifice, and to sacrifice is to suffer….love is hatred and hatred is love; there is no different. In one ego is satisfied, in the other one is not…love has no limit. When it has limit then it’s not love…”
On communication
“…if the couple can’t sit down and talk to each other honestly there is not counselor, priest, no psychiatrist can make them talk honestly….without honesty we don’t have any hope…all marriage people in the 3ho who have marriage problems are only those who do not talk because their mother didn’t talk, or their father didn’t talk.
When, Where, How often
The Yogi approach to sexuality is the sacred act of “merging two people into one”. It’s necessary to create a trusting relationship in order to develop intimacy. The relationship with intimacy must be healthy and enjoyable. In some cultures, women are denied the enjoyment of sexuality. In our society, most young women are awakened sexually at a very early age because of the exploitation of sex through the media. They believe that sex will bring them intimacy and fulfillment. That’s the main reason why most early sexual encounters end in disappointment and even psychological or emotional damage.
The sexual energy is a very powerful energy. In the philosophy of Yoga, a true intimate relationship can only occur when the two partners operate from the higher chakras. The media sells “sex as love”, which keeps the energy in the lower chakras. Studies have shown that 43% of women and 31% of men in the United States have sexual dysfunctions.
Estos ejercicios están diseñados para fusionar las polaridades de las energías femenina y masculina.
También ayudan a profundizar el amor y la conexión espiritual.
Hay algo especial cuando usted hace con su pareja las meditaciones y los ejercicios con el objetivo de reforzar de la relación.
Estos kriyas fueron enseñados por Yogui Bhajan y son muy semejantes a la experiencia del tantra. Hacia los años 70’, los ejercicios fueron enseñados para ser realizados durante 31 minutos cada uno.
Sin embargo, un plazo de 3 minutos para cada Kriya fue establecido en los años 80’. A causa de los efectos poderosos de estos kriyas, las siguientes pautas fueron establecidas:
- El tiempo del límite para cada Venus Kriya es 3 minutos. ¡No más!
- Un set de Kundalini yoga de debe ser realizado primero, como preparación.
- Elija un ambiente apropiado, un lugar relajado.
Cómo comenzar
Multi-Dimensional Movement Arts®
Click here to view a short video about hydrotherapy Click here to view a video of the the treatment in action |
Imagine yourself in the womb. It’s warm and nurturing. You feel totally safe and supported. You feel your breath, your heartbeat. You hear your inner voice. Gentle waves caress your body. You are one with the flows and rhythms of movement. You’re in a state of dynamic balance. You are pure potential. This is ecstasy!
Multi-Dimensional Movement Arts®, water version, is the art of using movement in the medium of water to create dynamic balance. Specific actions, patterns and waveforms promote reorganization, re-education, rehabilitation, relaxation and rejuvenation. This continuous process of attunement leads to heightened
states of awareness and bliss.
In a typical MDMA® session, the client is supported by strategically placed flotation devices and moved through water that is at body temperature. Trained practitioners treat a person by playing with various interconnections and influences of circles, spirals and infinity signs. Not only do these actions promote
vitality and optimal health, they also induce deep relaxation, release endorphins, heighten awareness, alter consciousness and produce euphoria. It is exponentially powerful and exquisite when the client receives a two-on-one session as two therapists team up to deliver the movements.
- Febrero 2007- Sexualidad Y Espiritualidad
- Marzo 2007- Desintoxica tu cuerpo
- Abril 2007 – Vibraciones y mantras
- Mayo 2007 – Ejercicios de Yoga para perder peso, limpiezas & recetas
- Junio 2007 – Sadhana, Aradhana, Prabhupati & Sorprendientes Yogis & Fabulosos cursillos de Yoga
- Julio 2007 – Seres espirituales teniendo una experiencia humana
- Agosto 2007 – Felicidad
- Setiembre 2007 – La Mente
- Octubre 2007 – Un dia en «MINDFULNESS»
- Noviembre 2007 – Siempre Quiero Mas
- Enero 2008 – Noticias Emocionantes
- Marzo 2008 – Unidad
- Agosto 2008 – Verano
- Setiembre 2008 – Otoño
- Diciembre 2008 – Invierno
- Febrero 2009 – Dia de San Valentín
- Marzo 2009 – Primavera
- Abril 2009 – Revista
- Mayo 2009 – Técnicas de Relajación
- Junio 2009 – Aprenda a Meditar
- Julio 2009 – Inspiración
- Setiembre 2009 – Yoga para Hombres
- Octubre 2009 – Chacras
- Diciembre 2009 – La Luz Interna
- Enero 2010 – Viviendo Una Vida Vacía
- Febrero 2010 – Nuestra Esencia
- Mayo 2010 – Konalani Sharanam
- Noviembre 2010 – La iluminación de Osho por Osho
- Diciembre 2012 – El Cambio
- Febrero 2013 – SEXO TANTRICO