The exercises in each lesson are done for 5 minutes, follow by 5 minutes rest, and repeat 4 times.
The intention is to create pressure in certain organs to break down the inner layer of fats.
A thin person will find benefits in this set too because increases the circulation, and while the fats layers break down the healthy tissue becomes stronger.
For optimum results a healthy diet must be followed.
Lie on the back. alignleftace the right hand under the neck. Bring the left arm over the head. Place the left leg over the right. Keep the knees straight. Hold for 5 minutes, and then repeat to the other side.
This position holds pressure under the uterus, and the navel point. You will never have a heart attack. You can repeat this up to 4 times in an hour.
HASTAPADASAN(For waistline & legs)
1 – On the back raise alternatively the legs 12 inches off the floor. 10 times each leg.
2 – Then lift both legs 6 inches off the floor, and hold them there for 1 minute.
3 – Now lift both legs and head 1 ½ feet above the floor. Hold for 3 minutes.
4 – Relax on the back for 5 minutes.
5 – Sit up and bring the head towards the thighs. Hands grab the ankles. Hold for 2 minutes.
6 – Repeat 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
7 – Sit in a cross leg position and close the right nostril with the right thumb. Breathe long and deep through the left nostril. 3 minutes.
8 – Relax for 10 minutes.
SPREAD THE LEGS SITUPS (For back and thighs)
1 – On the back apart the legs and sit up catch the heels. Repeat 4 times.
2 – Sit up and grab the left ankle with both hands. Lie back.
3 – Sit up and grab the right ankle with both hands, and lie back.
4 – Sit up grab both ankles, and continue again. 5 minutes
5 – Relax for 5 minutes, and repeat the series 2 more times.
THALASANA- BALANCE POSE (For whole body arms and legs)
1 – Apart legs. Bend forward and back all the way from the waist. 5 minutes.
2 – Rest for 5 minutes.
3 – Apart legs arms by the side parallel to the floor bend to the left side bringing hands together at the left side, then bend down and touch the left foot. Raise the torso up bring the arms by the side and repeat in the right side. 5 minutes.
4 – Rest for 5 minutes.
5 – Apart legs arms by the side parallel to the floor bend to the left and touch the left foot with the right hand (or the left leg). The right arm is straight up. Swicht sides like in a Windmill position. Continue for 5 minutes.
6 – Rest for 5 minutes.
7 – Repeat positions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.
8 – Rest for 10 minutes.
CROW POSE (For lower stomach region)
As shown in the photos bend down keeping the arms stretch forward. Inhale when you go up, and exhale when you go down. This can be done in a circle on a group, or with partners one in front of the other.
It’s great for elimination, the rectum, and hemorrhoids.
ANGLE ROWING (For pelvic region)
Sit up with the legs stretch forward. Bend forward, and grab the toes. Release the toes and lean back 60 degrees. Like rowing a boat. 5 minutes.
Relax during 5 minutes, and repeat again.
ONE LEGGED POSE (For navel Region)
1 – Raise one leg 90 degrees keep it there. Then raise the other leg 6 feet off the floor. Keep there for 1 minute.
Then raise the same leg up to 9 inches up and hold for as long as possible.
Then raise the same leg up to 12 inches off the floor and keep there as long as possible.
2 – Rest 5 minutes.
3 – Repeat switching legs for another 5 minutes.
4 – Lie on the back and bend one knee bringing it towards the chest, then switch legs in a pull push motion. 3 minutes.
5 – Rest 5 minutes and repeat the whole sequence.
PAWAN MUKHT ASANA (For digestive system tuning and wind relieving, stomach to rectum)
1 – On the back bring the left knee towards the chest. Keep the knee pressed while holding the breath in 5 to 10 seconds, and switch. Repeat 4 times.
2 – Relax
3 – Bring the knees towards chest, and start rolling back and forward during 1 ½ minutes.
4 – Inmediatly hold knees to chest for 5 minutes.
5 – Rest 5 minutes and repeat the whole sequence.
COBRA (For hands, whole body, especially rectum)
1 – Lie on the stomach and place the hands underneath the shoulders, then raise the head and chest slowly. Try to don’t use the strength of the hands. Hold it for 1 ½ minutes.
2 – Relax, and repeat again. On the last time take 2 o 3 sec to lift the trunk while you inhaling, and lower it in another 2 o 3 seconds while exhaling. Do it 3 or 4 times only.
This sequence keeps the spine flexible. It’s good for the muscles of the heart, abdomen, and back, also tones the nerves. Aids with female problems like leucorrhea, or menstrual difficulties. Rejuvenates the spinal nerves, and cures spinal misalignments.
LEG RAISES ON STOMACH (Breaks up extra fat and shapes body)
1 – On the stomach place the hands on Venus lock in the back, and raise the legs up. Hold the position for 1 to 3 minutes.
2 – On the stomach grab the ankles and raise the head, the chest, and legs up. As high as you can. Hold for 1 ½ minutes. Rest briefly and repeat.
3 – Relaxfor 5 minutes, and repeat.
DHANURASANA (For burning extra fat)
Lie on the abdomen place the chin on the floor raise the torso as in Cobra pose without touching the floor with the hands, hold briefly, and grab the ankles, go into Boat pose, rolling back and forward.
1 – Lie on the abdomen and make your hands like a fists place the chin on the floor, then raise one leg up. Hold it for a few seconds, and switch legs. Repeat 3 o 4 times each leg.
2 – In the same position as above raise this time both legs, keep them together as high as you can. Repeat 2 more times. Note: Don’t do it if you have heart, or lung problems. It creates pressure in those areas.
3 – Relax for 5 minutes.
4 – On the same position as above, this time place the both fists on the groins, and raise legs alternatively at the rhythm of the breath for 1 ½ minutes.
5 – In the same exactly position as above raise both legs up, and hold for 1 ½ minutes.
6 – Relax and repeat 4 and 5 twice more with a break in between.
BOAT POSE (For whole body and fingers)
Lie on the abdomen interlace your fingers and stretch the arms over the head, as if hugging the ears with elbows straight. Apart your legs as much as you can and raise legs and arms up.
In the same position now apart the arms, and keep the legs together. Raise legs and arms as high as possible.
In the same position as above, apart arms and legs, and raise both as high as possible.
Relax, and repeat the whole sequence.
CROCODILE POSE (For shoulders and waistline)
Start lying on the back, flip over to the abdomen, and keep flipping over and over across the place. Then switch to the right. Don’t help yourself with the hands.
On the back do breath of fire, pumping the abdomen in and out during 1 minute.
Relax and repeat the whole sequence.
CONCH SANKASANA (For stomach and under stomach)
1 – Stand and with the right hand grab the left wrist, and twist to left and right. 1 long minute.
2 – Switch hands and repeat. 1 long minute.
3 – Stand with hands at the waist twists right and left. 1 minute.
4 – Lock the hands in the back and move to one side, back, forward, and to the other side, drawing a circle with the torso. 1 minute.
5,-Relax and repeat the whole sequence.
STOMACH PUMP & UDDIYANA BHANDA (To regain shape after breaking up fat)
On the back apply neck lock and pump the stomach during 1 minute. Then apply mul bhanda and pump the stomach for another minute. Then apply diaphragm lock, or Uddayana bhanda and hold as long as possible.
Relax and repeat again.
Lie on the back bring the knees towards the chest, apart the knees, and let the feet loose. Then move alternatively one knee closer to the chest by moving the hip, not the leg. 3 minutes.
Excellent for women because adjust the hips, good for liver, and lower system. It also puts the womb in the perfect position.
On the back stretch and apart arms and legs, and raise the hips up with the help of the feet, hands, and head. 1 to 5 minutes.
In easy pose grab the shins and inhale flex the spine forward, and exhale back. Keep the head at the same level. 3 minutes. The hips must roll and you must sweat.
It releases the tension in the lower back. If you sweat you are doing it correctly.
Relax on the back and visualize and angel hugging you.
These positions are not part of the set, but they are known as good stimulators of the metabolism.
On the back bent the legs place the arms back hands on the floor. Inhale and bring the hips up, full bridge, or half bridge.1 to 3 minutes.
It strengthens the lower back, and brings the energy flow up. Good to stimulate the metabolism.
Lie on the back bring both legs, and lower body up. Place the hands on the back. Look at your chest, and do breath of fire for 1-3 minutes.
Then lower the legs over the head, try to keep knees straight, and place the arms by the side with the palms facing down. Do breath of fire. 1 to 2 minutes.
Lower your body slowly vertebra by vertebra.
It stimulates the metabolism.
If you want to control your eating you have to control your metabolism. This pranayama will allow you to take control over the metabolism.
Breathe through the left nostril for 31 minutes a day for 90 days.
Once you can control this you can control anything!