Makes 4 servings
4 or 5 zucchinis, unpeeled
4 celery stalks
1 cup parsley leaves
1 spring of mint
Coarsely ground black pepper, to taste
¼ cup nonfat cottage cheese per serving
Wash, dry, and take ends off zucchinis and celery. Wash and dry parsley and mint. Steam zucchinis and celery for 15 minutes or until soft, then puree in a blender with parsley, mint, and ground black pepper. Serve with nonfat cottage cheese.
Eat only this foot for 40 days. Eat as much as you like, but no more than three times a day. Besides helping to loose weight, this diet is excellent for cleaning the intestines and clearing your skin. You may also drink Yogi tea with this monodiet.
Makes 1 serving
Juice of ½ lemon
1 cup of warm water
Pour lemon juice in water, and drink through a straw over a half and hour period, the first thing in the morning. When taking according to these guidelines, this simple drink will help detoxify the liver, colon, and blood. It will suppress appetite and act as a healing food.
This tea is used by men or women to dissolve fatty tissue from their bodies. For this purpose, drink 2-3 glasses per day. It also improves the beauty of the skin, giving a youthful appearance.
1/2 – 3/4 cup fresh or dried mint leaves
1 lb. cumin seeds
1 oz. fresh or frozen tamarind
1/2 tsp black salt (also called sulfur salt. Use only a little. It has a strong smell.)
8 lemons, quartered
1 Tbsp. black pepper
5 Qts. Water
Put ingredients in a pot. Bring to a boil. Lower the flame and cook at a low boil for 4-5 hours. This much time is required to draw the extract from the cumin seeds. Then strain and serve hot or cold. You can re-use the ingredients to make more tea. Just add a little more (more water, or more of the ingredients) each time you boil. Be sure to remove the lemon peels between boiling. Tea can be stored up to a week in the refrigerator.
For the skin, drink 2 glasses per day. It cleanses the mucous membrane of the colon and is an excellent source of Vitamin C.
(Recommended for 3 days for optimum results)
¼ tsp whole cloves
3 sprigs of parsley
2 oranges or tangerines, peeled
½ lemon, peeled
¼ cup purified or spring water
1 pinch of cayenne pepper
1 clove of garlic, peeled
½ grapefruit, peeled
1-2 inches of fresh ginger, peeled
2 Tbsp cold pressed extra virgin olive oil
Put water in blender. Start blending the ingredients listed above one at a time in order except olive oil, until all ingredients are blended, approximately 1-2 minutes. More water may be added if it is too thick. Add olive oil and re-blend. It is acceptable to eat oranges and tangerines in the live flush only. If you have a known sensitivity to oranges, use 2 grapefruits instead.
Watermelon cleans the intestines, relieves intestinal gas, and cleanses the liver.
Parsley is a blood builder a kidney cleanser and its juice eliminates poisons from the body. Try a little in your morning juice!