It is said that we are born divine and that we come to this earthly life to experience ourselves as humans.
That single thought can help us to experience life in a more meaningful way! There is one divine place where we come from and where we eventually go back. We are simply here to evolve, to become more conscious of our divinity. Our true nature is divine!!
In fact, it is said that the soul never dies, that at the time we die our subtle body encapsulates the soul.
ogether, these two leave the physical body and the rest of the bodies (the negative, positive, and neutral minds, the arc line, the pranic body, the auric body, and the radiant body).
According to ancient philosophy, we are immortal souls traveling through time and space in human bodies with the goal of self-discovery, whether we know it or not. Some people among us have already experienced this true path and, through their teachings, they draw maps to take us back to our divine source.
Caroline Myss says that we have a pre-agreement before we manifest physically on the planet, but that most of us do not remember it when we are born.
In this “pre-agreement”, we choose our parents, the experiences that we are going to go through, the specific people we are going to meet, and so on. We choose all of this with the single purpose of putting ourselves into situations which allow us to learn our life lessons.
I have talked about this theory with different people and the first reaction that I get is total incredulity. Why would someone choose to have certain parents, to be raped, to endure a life-threatening illness, to be destitute or cheated on or taken advantage of?
But when you give it a second thought, you realize that it is through pain that we grow the most.
Anthony Robbins’ says that, yes, we grow from pleasure but that we do more to avoid pain than to gain pleasure. In one of his examples he states that we do more to prevent someone from stealing $5,000 from us than we actually do to make $5,000.
So we have to admit that it is through pain that the learning process becomes faster and deeper. Sometimes one has to hit bottom before he or she can change their life for the better. Some parents will put you through hell so that, in the future, you will have the “guns”, or tools, necessary to get through life.
When you see it this way, pain becomes a doorway to liberation, an opportunity to grow.
These theories do not pretend to diminish pain. We all know that when one is in a specific painful situation, that person is hurting. Pain hurts! That’s why we all want to get rid of pain and to get as much pleasure as possible.
Yogi Amrit said that our addictions are directly proportional to the pain that they release. That’s something to think about!
My teacher, Yogi Bhajan, used to asked questions in his classes, questions that would rarely be answered correctly. In one occasion he asked:
Y.B.- What is the difference between you and me?
Students. – That you are a spiritual leader!
- That you are a master!
- That you are….etc!
Y.B.- Noooooo!!!! The difference between you and me is that I love my challenges!!
At that time, I listened to his answer with curiosity. This was a new concept for me. I had never thought of it! I don’t even know if I fully understood the concept back then. As time passes, however, his teachings grow in me like seeds planted and destined to grow. The more that I grow in consciousness, the more meaning I find in his teachings.
Liberation comes from facing pain as an opportunity to grow. When things go our way… Yes!, but when they don’t go our way we must learn to accept them as part of our destiny. There must be something there we need to learn, some limitation to overcome, a gift for more growth.
Yogi Bhajan told us the mantra for this age was “Keep up!”
Sat Nam,
Indra K