Soul is my employer. My self is the employee. My mind is the sorting office and organization.My faculties and my virtues are my basic assistants. My tattwas are my elements. My chakras are my resources and my faculty to project within the aspect of my own life (which is my destiny) that is my profit.
Happiness is the birth right of every human and happiness is ordained. It is not that we have to search for it…..
…If you consider time as your employer, then all what you are doing is okay. But time is not your employer. Space is not your employer. The soul master is your soul…the infinity, the light within you… and its productivity can only be seen through the balance of all other elements in the business in which human life walks through.
Pressuring the life with a lot of decorations… earthly decorations…is overloading the circuits. How many rooms a person needs to sleep in and how many couches he needs to sit in? If you take an elementary look at the whole attitude, our attitude is totally off. We are catering to the wrong master and we think we have the right reasons.
–Excerpt from Yogi Bhajan’s lecture title “Happiness is My Birthright”