-Yogi Bhajan taught this class at Women’s Camp in 1985-
This set of exercises should been done in a fast, and fluid pace without stopping between exercises. If done in this way it can be a great workout. Yogi Bhajan made the women do this set for 62 minutes very day.
“A woman must sweat and laugh every day” Yogi Bhajan
Come standing and place your feet hip width apart.
1 – Bring your arms up together over your head and clap the hands 8 times chanting HAR each time.
2 – Bend over from the hips slap the ground 8 times chanting HAR each time.
3 – Place the arms parallel to the floor with the palms facing down moving them about 1 foot up and down the parallel. Move them up and down 8 times chanting HAR each time.
4 – Starting with the arms parallel to the floor with palms facing down. Jump crossing arms and legs. Chant HAR 8 times. Chant HAR when the arms and legs cross and HAR when they open.
5 – Starting in Archer Pose with right leg forward and left leg back with feet flat on the floor. The arms are as preparing to arch. Feel the tension in the chest. Look forward to the thumb. Bend the right leg 8 times chanting HAR each time.
6 – Repeat the criss-cross exercise #4.
7 – Arms straight over the head bend backwards 8 times chanting HAR each time.
8 – Repeat the criss-cross exercise #4.
9 – Place your arms over the head and bend right and left 8 times each chanting HAR each time.
10 – Repeat the criss-cross exercise #4.
Repeat entire sequence over and over again.
To end: Relax on the back with bent legs and wrap arms around them.
Note: You can start from 11 minutes, and build it up from there.
Comments: 15 or 20 minutes a day prevents aging and stimulates the 12 glands, builds stamina, and works in the whole body.