How to do it
- Sit down in comfortable meditative posture.
- Interlace the fingers leaving the right thumb on top. Apply pressure.
- The hands are touching the body at the level of the diaphragm, in the center.
- Close the eyes.
- Concentrate on the breathing in and out at the tip of the nose. Find out from which nostril you are breathing. Be patience give it around 3 min at least.
- Then change the nostril. If breathing through the right nostril switch it to the left.Duration: 1 min to 31 min.
- Alter mental states.
- It’s recommended to do it at the first sign of disease.
- Prevents nerve breakdowns.
You should be able to switch nostrils by concentrating on it. The left side it’s directly related with calmness, and the right nostril with energy. So if can’t feel sleep at night lie down on the right side, and with the pillow apply slight pressure on the right nostril, and breathe through the left.
To know more about how the nostrils work. Click here.
How to do it
Sit down in comfortable meditative posture.
1.- Close with the right thumb the right nostrils. The rest of the fingers are pointing up to the sky like antennas. Start Long Deep Breathing. For 3 min. To finish inhale and hold for 10 sec.
2.- Repeat #1 in the left side. Long Deep Breathing. For 3 min. To finish inhale and hold for 10 sec.
3.- Inhale through the left nostril, and exhale through the right nostril. Using the right thumb and pinky alternatively. For 3 min.
4.- Repeat #3 in the other side. For 3 min.
5.- Place hands in Gyan Mudra, thumbs, and index fingers touching, on the knees, elbows straight. Start Breath of Fire. Concentrate at the brow point. Continue with regular powerful breath for 71/2 min. Inhale, circulate the energy.
6.- Relax or meditate for 5 min.
7.- Chant Long “Sat Nam”.
- Balance both hemispheres of the brain. Often practice before invigorating Yoga set.
- Opens pranic channels.
- Clears mind.
- Strengthen the nervous system.
- Creates calmness.
- Energizes. Quick lift!.
How to do it
Sit down in comfortable meditative posture.
1.- Place the arms straight with the hands in Gyan Mudra on the knees. Start Breath of Fire. 7 min. To end hold the breath for 30 sec.
2.- Start Long Deep Breathing. For 5 min. Use the full capacity of the lungs. To end hold 15 sec.
3.- Breathe in through puckered mouth, and exhale through the nose. For 3 min. To end hold the air briefly.
4.- Start Breath of Fire for 2 min. To end hold as long as possible. Gaze at the third eye.
5.- Meditate. Use normal breathing. Concentrate on the flow of energy through the body.
- Cleanse the blood
How to do it
Sit down in comfortable meditative posture.
1.- Close the right nostril with the right thumb. Inhale through the left nostril. Close the left nostril with the right pinky, and exhale through the right. Keep the hand in a U shape. Keep inhaling through the right nostril and exhaling through the left for 10 min. To end, inhale, and exhale twice, and inhale, exhale, keep the air out for 10 sec, and apply Root Lock.
- Emotional balance.
- for those days when you wake up on the wrong side of the bed.