These exercises are designed to stimulate and balance the whole body. They can be performed individually or as a set.
1.- RUNNING IN PLACE. Stand up and run in place, raising up the knees and punching the fists alternatively. Keep the knees as high as you can.
Time: From 1 to 5 minutes, or up to 20 minutes.
To end: Stand still, recovering the breath and letting the energy circulate through the whole body.
Notes: You can do this on a mini trampoline.
2.- CROSSCRAWLS. This exercise can be done standing up or on the floor.
Standing up: Bring the left knee towards the chest and raise up the right hand. Then switch to the other knee and arm, similar to marching.
On the floor: Lie down facing up. Raise the left leg 90 degrees with the right arm over the head and all the way back until it touches the floor. Then alternate.
Time: From 1 to 3 minutes.
Benefits: It balances both hemispheres of the brain and strengthens the electromagnetic field.
Squat down with the heels off the floor and touching. The arms are between the knees with the fingers touching the floor. Inhale and raise your buttocks up, keeping the heels up and the head down, and exhale while bringing the buttocks down, heels up and head up.
Time: 26, 52 or 108 times (or as long as you would like).
Benefits: Good for maintaining potency. Stimulates and circulates the energy through the body. Good to do before going to bed if you can’t fall sleep.
On the floor, bring the legs out in front of you and grab the leg as far as you can ( knees, ankles, or toes). Inhale up, exhale down.
Time: From 1 to 3 minutes.
Notes: You can use a prop (towel, belt, sock) if you can’t reach the toes. If you are able to reach the toes, press the big toe nail against the flesh to stimulate the pituitary gland.
Sit in easy or rock pose (on the heels) and place the hands on the shoulders with the thumbs back and the other four fingers forward. Inhale and twist to the left, then exhale and twist to the right. Keep the elbows parallel to the floor.
Time: From 1 to 3 minutes.
Benefits: Opens up the heart center, the center of love, kindness and compassion.
Sit in a cross-legged sitting position and bring your arms up in a 60 degree angle with the palms facing up, as if holding the sky. Keep the elbows straight. Long deep breathing or breath of fire.
Time: From 1 to 3 minutes.
Benefits: This asana stimulates the nerves and lymph system that goes through the fingers, hands, chest, and all the way to the heart. The act of holding the position relaxes the heart muscle and expands the lung. As a result the tension in the upper body is released.
Notes: The arms may shake due to the tension building in the upper body. You may want to lower the arms before time. In this case, concentrate on the breath. Practice builds resistance.
7.- RELAX. In Savasana or corpse pose. Just lie down on the back with arms by the side, palms facing up, and let the legs open up to the sides.
Time: From 1 to 5 minutes.